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Our platform for association!!!


We are...

  • the most experienced professional association in the area of social protection (founded in 1994)
  • a network of numerous members in the area of social protection: centers for social work, residential institutions and other organizations, institutes, centers for adoption and foster care, and other organizations from public, private and NGO sector.
  • always open for partnership with similar organizations in and outside of Serbia aimed at protection and social inclusion of the most vulnerable social groups such as children, elderly, persons with disabilities, migrants and other vulnerable groups.


Our OBJECTIVES contribute to....

  • affirmation of the helping professions and improvement of quality of work in social protection in Serbia
  • raising and improvement of competences of professionals in public, civil and private sector
  • introduction of a more efficient system of social protection aimed at greater social cohesion and elimination of social exclusion of vulnerable groups


Our ACTIVITIES include...

  • organization of events aimed at knowledge exchange and improvement of competences such as professional gatherings, conferences, round tables, trainings etc.
  • participation in transformative processes in the system of social protection in the area of normative framework, system of quality, introduction of new services and new training programs
  • publishing activities: journals ’’Social Policy’’ and ’’News’’, books, manuals and glossaries in social work and social protection
  • preparation and realization of EU and other projects (TEMPUS, IPA 2013)
  • organization of national award competition for exceptional contribution of individuals and organizations in the area of social protection
  • cooperation and partnership with similar organizations, institutions, chambers, ministries and other relevant stakeholders
  • giving incentive for key initiatives and influencing public politics in the transformative processes in the area of social protection in Serbia
  • informing professional and general public about the important isssues in social protection, improvemenet of visibility of these issues nationaly and internationaly.



  • Society based on a high level of social cohesion in which social protection professionals provide quality services and sustainable support to citizens helping them to reach welfare and live a dignified life.



Support professionals in social protection working in public, private and NGO sector in developing a flexible social protection system, strengthening professional identity and authority and enhancing competences of workers to adequately address needs of the population, particularly vulnerable groups.



1: Enhance professional competences and ensure support to professionals through better information distribution, professional education, knowledge transfer and experience exchange, by organization of trainings and conferences and publishing of relevant literature and other publications.


2: Achieving greater influence on the processes of decision making and social policy development through active participation in the decision making, evaluation and recommendation for improvement of normative framework and continuous cooperation with relevant stakeholders at the local, regional, national and international level.


3: Positioning Association as a relevant and indispensable stakeholder in the area of social protection through continuous capacity building of employees and members of the Association and well develop professional infrastructure.



11080 BEOGRAD (Zemun)

Str. Marije Bursać 49
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TAX ID: 101287958
ID: 17067265
Account: 205-20184-64
Кomercijalna banka AD Belgrade




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